Rahim Abdulhussein MD CCFP(PC) HBSc MSc
Division of Family and Community Medicine,
Division of Palliative Care, Scarborough Health Network
Excellence in Community-Based Teaching (Community Hospital)
Community Based Teaching Awards
Rahim Abdulhussein is a Family Physician practicing in Palliative Care. He practices inpatient Palliative Medicine at the Scarborough Health Network. In addition, he has a comprehensive Family Practice and is part of the Scarborough Academic Family Health Team. He completed his undergraduate, graduate, medical school and residency training all at the University of Toronto. He is the Medical Education Lead for Palliative Care at the Scarborough Health Network and is involved in teaching physicians, post-graduate trainees and allied health. When not at work he loves spending time with his wonderful wife Zahra and his three amazing children: Sienna (8), Jacob (5) and Sophia (3).
Quote from the Winner
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear. When the student is truly ready, the teacher will disappear.” – Unknown
About the Award
This award recognizes excellence in teaching at a Community Hospital.
Established by the Faculty of Medicine in 2012 these awards recognize the significant contribution of an increasing number of University of Toronto community-based teachers to the learning of medical students and residents.