Sahand Ensafi Emergency Medicine PA CCPA B.HSc

University Health Network, Course facilitator - University of Toronto PA Program
Assistant Clinical Professor (adjunct), PAEP, McMaster University

PA Role Model Award (Outstanding Physician Assistant Involved in the BScPA Program)

Physician Assistant Program Awards

Sahand Ensafi

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Sahand Ensafi is a PA working in Emergency Medicine at the University Health Network. After graduating in McMaster’s PA Class of 2013 he was hired as the inaugural PA in the University Health Network Emergency Departments and has been working there for more than five years. During his time at UHN, Sahand has worked to expand the PA Program to a total of 4 PAs within the ED, chaired Quality Improvement committees and has co-authored abstracts/journal articles.

In addition to his role at UHN, Sahand also teaches at the University of Toronto PA Program; specifically in the ePBL – Clinical Skills 1 and 2 courses as well as various large group sessions. Sahand is also an Assistant Clinical Professor (adjunct) at McMaster University in the Department of Family Medicine. He is actively involved in the clinical skills and simulation programs at the University and is a clinical supervisor for PA Clerks completing their clerkship rotations in the ED.

Quote from the Winner

During one of the most trying times of our lives and certainly in my career, I constantly remind myself of a quote from Winston Churchill that helps me to reset my mindset, “The Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity. The Optimist Sees Opportunity In Every Difficulty.” Life is filled with opportunities, it is up to us to find them and to make the most of them!

About the Award

The Physician Assistant Program Awards recognize excellence in teaching, mentoring and supporting in the BScPA Program. There are two categories: Excellence in Teaching Award, and PA Role Model Award.