David Gratzer MD

Attending Psychiatrist, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
University of Toronto

Ivan Silver Innovation Award In recognition of the "Reading of the Week Program"

Continuing Professional Development Awards

David Gratzer

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Dr. David Gratzer is a Toronto-based physician who works at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, where he is an attending psychiatrist and serves as the co-chief of the General Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems Division.

He is active in teaching, and recently won the Peter Selby Award for Excellence in Technology-Enhanced Education. He has been nominated 10 times for University of Toronto teaching awards. Additionally, Dr. Gratzer leads CIHR-funded research in e-therapies and is a peer reviewer for several journals and sits on the editorial board of JMIR Mental Health; he is an associate editor of The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry.

Quote from the Winner

I’m excited and honoured to receive this Award. The field of mental health is constantly changing with new therapies and medications. CPD – and my Reading of the Week program - is important for helping physicians stay current. Thank you for this recognition.

About the Award

To honour Dr. Ivan Silver’s distinguished contribution to the fields of continuing professional development (CPD), this award is intended to recognize an innovative CPD initiative developed and delivered by a University of Toronto faculty member or team that has demonstrated an impact on health professionals’ performance or improved health outcomes.