Yvonne Buys MD FRCSC

Professor, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto
Past President & Board Member, Canadian Ophthalmological Society
Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences, University of Toronto
Krembil Research Institute, University Health Network

Colin Woolf Award for Longterm Contributions to Continuing Education

Continuing Professional Development Awards

Yvonne Buys

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Dr. Yvonne Buys earned her MD degree at the University of Toronto. She completed an ophthalmology residency in 1992 followed by a Glaucoma Fellowship in 1993 both at University of Toronto. She obtained the Diploma of the American Board of Ophthalmology in 1993.

Early in 2020 Dr. Buys was involved in developing several ophthalmology specific national guidance documents related to COVID including Guidelines for Ophthalmic Care during COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian Glaucoma Society Recommendations for Providing Eye Care to Glaucoma Patients During COVID-19, Ophthalmology Clinic Reopening during COVID-19 Checklist for Canadian ophthalmologists, a national framework for Adult Ophthalmic Surgery Prioritization during COVID and Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery – Key Points. She also organized the development, financing and distribution of 1200 slit-lamp breath shields for ophthalmologist across Canada – to add a protective barrier when examining patients.

On July 1, 2020 Dr. Buys retired from clinical practice however has continued with her research focusing on sex disparity in medical practice in Canada and the ophthalmology backlog resulting from COVID. She is also transitioning to a hobby farmer and bird watcher and has a weekly column entitled Look What Flew through the County published in the Times, Wellington, Ontario.

Quote from the Winner

My career in ophthalmology at University of Toronto has been very rewarding - combining a clinical practice with research and education. I was fortunate to have strong mentors and wonderful collaborators which over the years have become friends. My journey has been exciting, challenging and rewarding and I wouldn't change anything.

About the Award

The Colin R. Woolf Awards were created to recognize outstanding contributions to continuing professional development. They recognize excellence in the following categories: program development and coordination, long term contributions to continuing professional development, and sustained excellence in teaching in continuing professional development.