Danielle Bentley B.Sc, B.PHE, M.Sc, (R.Kin) Ph.D

Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Life Sciences

Undergraduate Teaching Awards in Life Sciences

Danielle Bentley

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Danielle Bentley joined the Division of Anatomy as an Assistant Professor, teaching stream in 2017. She primarily teaches topics of Embryology and Gross Anatomy to a wide array of student populations, including undergraduate, graduate, allied health, and medical students from the Faculty of Arts & Science, Institute of Medical Science, Department of Radiation Oncology, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, and the MD Program. She completed her master’s degree at Queen’s University in anatomical education before coming to the University of Toronto where her doctoral degree research shifted to the clinical sciences, specifically the use of exercise for cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment. Merging the two, Dr. Bentley emphasizes the clinical applicability of basic anatomy within each of her courses.

Quote from the Winner

Not only do I believe in the value of incorporating innovative, evidence-based teaching strategies into my classrooms, but I also believe that what is tried should be assessed. It is through this scholarly assessment that I am able to determine the impact of my innovations.

My involvement as an education researcher and scholar ultimately benefits the learners I work with. My goal is to create courses that are academically challenging, that support student learning, and that are inclusive and fair.

From the Nomination

As an active education researcher and scholar, Dr. Bentley's research program is dedicated to authentic student learning via evidenced-based practices and meaningful assessments.

About the Award

This award recognizes sustained excellence in teaching, coordination and/or development of an undergraduate lecture or seminar course in Arts and Science offered by the Basic Sciences Departments of the Faculty of Medicine.