Michelle French PhD


Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in Life Sciences

Undergraduate Teaching Awards in Life Sciences


  1. Congratulations Michelle! Well deserved
    Jay Bhat
  2. Congratulations and well deserved!
  3. Congratulations Michelle!! So we’ll deserved!

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Michelle French is a Professor, Teaching Stream and Vice Chair Academic (Undergraduate) in the Department of Physiology at U of T. Over the past 23 years, she has taught university courses in the life sciences and in scientific communication to classes ranging from 30 to 1500 students. Michelle holds a BSc and an MSc from U of T and a PhD in physiology from Western University. Her post-doctoral studies were conducted at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research in Melbourne and at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Her current research focusses on strategies to improve student engagement and learning and methods to develop transferrable skills. Michelle is the recipient of several teaching awards including the President's Teaching Award from U of T.

About the Award

This award recognizes sustained excellence in teaching, coordination and/or development of an undergraduate lecture or seminar course in Arts and Science offered by the Basic Sciences Departments of the Faculty of Medicine.